Jackie’s Care Success Story with Bluebird
Finding fulfilling work at any stage of life can be life-changing, just like the story of a retiree who discovered purpose through Proud to Care and Bluebird.
Proud to Care Hiring Event: Jackie’s care journey began with an online job search, where she stumbled upon information about the Proud to Care hiring event in Penzance at St. John’s Hall. Intrigued by the opportunity to make a difference, she decided to attend.
Meeting Bluebird: At the exhibition, Jackie had the pleasure of meeting Emma from Bluebird. Expressing her desire to continue making a positive impact despite retirement, she was offered an interview on the spot.
After thoughtful consideration, Jackie accepted the job offer from Bluebird. Transitioning into part-time work, she discovered a newfound joy in caring for others. Jackie’s client, whom she describes as “absolutely lovely,” has become like family to her. Together, they enjoy outings to the beach and gardens, creating cherished memories along the way.
The Joy of Making a Difference: Beyond the personal fulfillment, Jackie tells us that the financial benefits have been a welcomed bonus. However, the true reward lies in knowing that she is making a difference in someone’s life. By combating loneliness and providing companionship, she feels a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in her role.
Encouragement for Others: Jackie’s message to fellow retirees and those seeking meaningful work is clear: don’t let age be a barrier to making a difference. Jackie encourages others to explore opportunities in Cornwall’s care sector, emphasizing the joy that comes from enriching the lives of others.
Jackie’s care success story is truly inspiring. Individuals of all ages can find purpose, fulfillment, and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in their communities through care.
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