We are delighted to introduce the Adult Social Care Independent Sector Workforce Strategy for Cornwall.

The strategy sets out an ambitious vision for our future and a route map to its achievement, based on a solid foundation of collaboration and commitment. It has been developed with the support of academic colleagues from Manchester Metropolitan University through engagement with stakeholders from across the sector. It reflects their views on how to create an environment in which excellent, high-quality care can continue to be provided.

This workforce strategy outlines a number of actions which, when implemented, will support our people to experience good work and deliver excellent social care, with the right people with the right skills in the right place who are recognised and valued for their contribution within the wider health and care sector.

This strategy will shape the way we work and set our workforce priorities for the coming years. It is aligned with the national workforce strategy from Skills for Care and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

To deliver on these aims will mean working with a wide range of partners including our local NHS partners and care providers. It is a priority for stakeholders to work together to address workforce challenges and we urge them to get in touch if they want to help us deliver the strategy.

Read the Final Report and accompanying Workforce Strategy.

Front page of Workforce strategy document